Tips To Stay On Budget This Summer


The warm months of summer offer no shortage of temptations that could bust your budget. Thanks to things such as family vacations and backyard cookouts, it’s often a lot more difficult to maintain a budget during the summer than it is any other time of the year. If you would like to know how to save money while still having an enjoyable summer, stick to these summer budgeting tips. 

Make a Schedule 

Few things have the potential to drain a budget more than spontaneity. When you plan out your summertime activities and mark them on the calendar, you can better prepare for the expense that goes along with them and factor it into your budget. Instead of letting spontaneity get the better of your budget, start saving for your activities ahead of time and try to spend no more than you set aside ahead of time for each one. If you still want to make room for spontaneity (after all, a little spontaneity in the summer can be a lot of fun) add a line to your budget that is dedicated to having money set aside for spur of the moment activities.

Pay With Cash

Handing over cash forces you to more carefully consider the amount of money you are spending than swiping a credit card. It can also keep you from racking up debt you may or may not be able to pay off later. Anytime you can, try to pay for your summertime fun with cash money.

Book a “Staycation” 

You don’t always have to go out to make the most of the summer. Camping in the backyard, having friends over for a game night, or having a picnic in the park are all fun activities that don’t require expenses such as meals at a restaurant and lodging at a hotel. If your budget is tight, try replacing a few nights out with nights spent in. With the right plans and the right people, these “staycations” can be every bit as much fun as going out while being far less expensive. 

Enjoy the Great Outdoors

Most outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and fishing are either free or quite affordable, and the summer is the best time of year to enjoy the great outdoors. Take advantage of all the cheap fun that the lakes, hiking trails, and campgrounds in your area offer in order to enjoy summertime activities that won’t break the bank. 

What to do if it Doesn’t Work out

With the right financial planning and a little bit of frugality, you can still have an enjoyable summer while still staying within your budget. Sometimes, though, finances can quickly get out of hand, leaving you unable to pay the bills you owe.

At Oak Tree Law, we are able to help you get out of crippling debt through options such as bankruptcy, foreclosure, loan modification, and mortgage litigation. If you are struggling to stay above water and aren’t sure where to turn, we invite you to contact our Los Angeles bankruptcy lawyers today. 

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