When you file for personal bankruptcy, it is considered “public record” in your home state. Information about it can be accessed through a court or other government entity without any formal authorization. In fact, all court proceedings are matters of public record unless a judge orders otherwise; bankruptcy records are rarely sealed unless you can […]
chapter 7
Top 9 Questions Couples & Partners Ask About Bankruptcy
The decision to file for bankruptcy is never an easy one. For married couples and those thinking about marrying their loved one, filing for bankruptcy can be even more complicated. Debt collection, foreclosure, and wage garnishment become not only personal problems, but your partner’s as well. To reduce the stress, here are answers to common […]
Can You Keep Your Car During a Bankruptcy?
Can You File Bankruptcy If You Are Unemployed In California?
If you are unemployed and are considering filing for bankruptcy in California, there are considerations that can determine if your bankruptcy filing is successful, or not. Being unemployed means your funds are limited, and filing bankruptcy seems like a sound financial move. But, because some courts may consider unemployment compensation as income, instead of being […]
The Difference Between Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
When you are in debt and cannot find a clear way to pay off the debt, bankruptcy may be one solution. However, before filing, you should know the difference between Chapter 13 bankruptcy and Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Which chapter of the bankruptcy code you should use will depend largely on your disposable income. The Means […]
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
What is Chapter 7 bankruptcy? Have your debts gotten out of control? Are you overwhelmed by credit card payments and fees or buried under medical bills? Are you tired of being constantly hounded by debt collection calls? Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection may be your best chance to eliminate these debts, protect your family’s […]