There are all sorts of loans. Car loans, student loans, small business loans…the list goes on. But the one that individuals seek the most assistance with is a home loan. Falling behind on mortgage payments isn’t all that uncommon. Sadly, homeowners still feel a sense of shame when they default on their mortgage and tend […]
home debt
Will Filing For Bankruptcy Stop My Foreclosure?
Facing foreclosure can be one of the more troubling life events of adulthood, but it can happen to even the most financially savvy homeowners. ATTOM Data Solutions released its 2018 Foreclosure Market Report that shows bank repossessions, defaults and foreclosure filings are down 78% since the peak of the crash in 2010. Even though U.S. […]
Affordable Ways to Catch up on Your Mortgage
There are many reasons homeowners fall behind on their mortgage payments. A job loss, decline in income, change in marital status, or medical emergency can strain your finances to the brink. Catching up on your mortgage loan may seem impossible, but it isn’t. Here are some affordable ways you can avoid the consequences of foreclosure. […]