How to Avoid Bankruptcy Fraud in Los Angeles?

avoid bankruptcy fraud

Bankruptcy fraud is no laughing matter. Bankruptcies are overseen by The United States Trustee Program which is an arm of the Department of Justice, so you’re essentially dealing with a government agency and they don’t take these transactions lightly.  Seeing as bankruptcy is a tool used in dire financial situations to forgive or restructure debts […]

How to Prepare for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Meeting of Creditors


With most bankruptcy proceedings, it is an inevitability that you’ll have to meet with an attorney, a bankruptcy trustee and possibly creditors at some point in the process. When either individuals or businesses file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy the court will schedule a Creditors Meeting. Otherwise known as a 341 hearing, a Creditors Meeting is […]

How Much Does it Cost to File Bankruptcy?


Those that have never had a reason to consider bankruptcy as an option to combat mounting debt, most likely view it as a worst-case scenario. But if you are one of the thousands of Americans up to their necks in debt, bankruptcy is not only one of the last options, it can be a saving […]

Bankruptcy vs Debt Settlement – Which is Worse For Your Credit?


Debt seems to be a word we’re all too familiar with these days. Americans are said to have an average of 38k in personal debt, and that doesn’t include home mortgages. Most households rely on credit cards to get by, but then quickly realize they are in over their heads when it is time to […]

Protect Yourself Against Predatory Lending


Predatory lending takes a few different forms. There are mortgage relief scams, payday loans, balloon loans, loan flipping, and prepayment penalties that charge you for paying off a loan early. The most vulnerable to predatory loans (no one is immune) include subprime borrowers with low credit scores/incomes, the elderly, military service members, and anyone facing […]

Qualifying for a Business Loan After Bankruptcy?


Bankruptcy is often falsely associated with failure. But this is hardly the case, as the U.S. Bankruptcy Code was designed to provide people and businesses with a fresh start and a chance to improve their financial situation. Bankruptcy doesn’t always result from one’s financial habits. A fire or sudden loss of customers can cause you […]