Jumbo Loan Modification
A jumbo loan is a mortgage loan worth more than the standard loan limits and, thanks to exorbitant home prices during the housing bubble, Californians currently hold more jumbo loans than any other state. But living in a deflated market shouldn’t be a punishment.
A skilled foreclosure defense attorney in Los Angeles can help you keep the home you love.
Jumbo Loan Modification in Southern California
The dedicated attorneys at Oaktree Law are skilled at refinancing loans for all income levels. Regardless of your tax bracket, it’s possible to find yourself upside down in a home you were once able to afford. Our commitment to client satisfaction has lead to our A+ rating from the Better Business bureau, so look to us when you find yourself in over your head financially.
Contact us or call 800-535-1627 if you have questions about the terms of your jumbo loan.
Modify Your Jumbo Loan with an Orange County Foreclosure Lawyer
When many people’s teaser rate ends, they could be faced with much higher interest rates on a mortgage they cannot afford.
Once viewed as a safe investment, California jumbo loans are now at the highest risk of default since so many are upside down. Lenders are actively working to limit their losses. And if you have a high balance, it’s likely they’re not interested in taking possession or modifying the loan. Collectively, these circumstances have created opportunities to negotiate.
Though more complex, jumbo loan modifications are similar to other loan modifications. A comprehensive hardship letter will need to be part of your proposal. Finding favorable rates can be challenging. With a high balance, you may remain upside down but your payments can be much more manageable.
Every case is unique. But if you’re committed to keeping your home, a jumbo loan modification is possible.
Experienced Orange County Foreclosure Defense Lawyers
Depending on your circumstances, we can help ease the terms of your loan and protect your family’s peace of mind. Regardless of the value of their property, everyone is entitled to affordable mortgage payments and sustainable debt relief.
Contact us or call 800-535-1627 for trusted legal guidance!