Consent Foreclosure

Banks & Foreclosure Attorney in Los Angeles

If your lender has already taken legal action, a consent foreclosure can protect against future losses. There may be court costs, but you will be shielded from a deficiency judgment, or liability for the unpaid balance of a mortgage after a foreclosure or sale.

Orange County Foreclosure Attorneys

Oaktree Law attorneys can determine quickly whether a consent foreclosure is advisable in your case. We are preeminent bankruptcy and foreclosure attorneys who look out for your consistently. This is proved by out A+ rating from the BBB and our firm’s inclusion in 10 Best Debt and TopLawPractices. When your finances are on the line, you need a firm you can trust. Look to OakTree Law to work in your best interests at all times.

Contact us or call 800-535-1627 if you have questions about consent foreclosure.

Could a consent foreclosure help me?

Our goal is to always help you stay in control of negotiations with your lender. But if foreclosure proceedings have begun, a consent foreclosure is one tool to help conserve your resources.

By agreeing to the foreclosure, untold hours of paperwork and appointments may be saved. As the foreclosure process is streamlined, the lender receives the uncontested deed and you may walk away free and clear. Most importantly, you can’t be subject to future claims from the mortgage holder if they’re unsatisfied by the results.

You Have Options, Our Firm can Help

If you’ve chosen to forego bankruptcy and want to avoid a prolonged battle, a consent foreclosure may be appropriate for you. Our Orange County foreclosure attorneys can help safeguard your most important assets, your time and future earnings.

Even if you have been foreclosed on, there are tools available to help restore your security.

Contact us or call 800-535-1627 to speak with an experienced consent foreclosure attorney.

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